Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Kind of Nutjob Does This?

You know, I'm glad I make movies. I'm glad I spent my life doing plays, and writing screenplays. I'm glad I have the fire to continue to do it. So many people burn out. They put everything on the line and they tell themselves, "All right, this is where I draw the line. If this project doesn't wow them, if it doesn't make money, if, if, if." And then it doesn't perform up to expectation and they go into real estate. Well, not real estate any more. But they have to quit because they gave themselves an ultimatum. They drew the line in the sand, and now they honor their "word." But they can at least say they tried, which is more than a lot of wannabes.

If Van Gogh had stopped painting because no one was throwing money, think how much smaller our art world would be.

Some of us have this insatiable desire to connect with people through our storytelling. Either through the theatre or through film, and I'm sitting here with only a handful of people who think our DVD is worth buying and yet I still have the desire to make another film? Where is my good sense? Where is any sort of balance? I'll leave that to you guys, who have picked up and moved on, but want to experience vicariously the thrill of still holding fast to a dream.

(While we're being vicariously connected, you could prove to be benefactor by ordering Beautysleep Symphony or The Pathetically Cheap Adventures of Xtra-Man). Okay, that was a shameless plug, so sue me!

Why does anyone continue to chase his dreams? I don't really know. And the reasons can differ greatly from one dream-weaver to another, but it seems to be something that we just have to do. We can't explain it. It's irrational as hell. But it's what we have to do. We keep at it. We've seen others give up. We've come close to giving up. It's hard to persist when you're not being validated. It's not unusual to feel diminished a bit. But not vanquished. Oh, god no! "Never give up! Never surrender." (Galaxy Quest)

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